Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Inspiration Comes in Crazy Ways

Sometimes it takes a good book to inspire things in you that you didn't know existed. I have always planned on writing a book about my life experiences and thought it would be therapeutic for me. However, I am going to count this blog as that book for the time being.

I recently finished a book series that literally left me wanting more. I wrote an additional chapter for my own pleasure and shared it with a few people. During that process I realized that I haven't had that outlet in a very long time. I enjoy this blog, but my true passion lies in writing novels. I have written a few in my lifetime but never had the urge to get them published.

The only reason I am even sharing this with all of you reading this is because I am going to use some of my knowledge in genetics, autism, and biology to write my next novel. I think it is going to be so much fun writing it! I've always loved the saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well... in essence I am going to do just that. I am going to use my life experiences and knowledge to create a work that hopefully will inspire others just as the books I recently finished did for me.
The only limits you have to your
potential is YOU!

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