Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some Food for Thought

I consider myself an advocate for many causes. However, one thing that joins us all together is the fact that if we didn't live in this country and had the freedoms that we enjoy, our lives would be totally different. I NEVER take that for granted. Another thing to consider is the fact that many of you reading this have medical insurance. Although it might not be the best, at least we have it. Many in this country do not.

I have been doing some reading and research lately about the health care crisis and what is happening to our country. Although this blog focuses mainly on the health and care of children, I thought this post would be more than appropriate.

The following are some questions that we should all ask ourselves. If you haven't thought about these issues then I would encourage you to do so.
1) How do you feel about our health care in the United States?
2) Does your state representative KNOW how you feel about what is happening?
3) Do you know your rights concerning health insurance and coverage for your family?
4) Is it fair that the people who work in Congress have wonderful coverage and their choices concerning health care don't affect them?
5) Would it bother you to find out how much money is being spent on frivolous projects and research.... knowing that YOU are paying for it?
6) How much money is spent on illegal immigrants? (The answer will shock you!) Check out the answer at:
7) What would you do if your child needed surgery and the hospital denied it due to insurance not covering it?
8) Can a medical insurance company legally drop your coverage without cause?
9) Who pays the bill for those people who don't have insurance or who don't have the money to pay their medical bills?

I could keep going, but I hope this gives you all some food for thought. I promise you that the more you find out about what is happening, the angrier you will become. There is so much corruption and lack of common sense in Washington. It's unreal how blinded we have become as a nation. We need to wake up and see what is happening. We've become a nation where the few or minority have the stronger voice. Case in point: I know for a fact that the majority of the children in my daughter's school are Christian and yet they can't have "Christmas Parties" since that would offend someone. They end up having to change the name to "Holiday Party" and they can not be centered around Christmas. What???!!
If we sit back and let others decide our fate
then we don't have a right to complain. Now
is the time to decide where you stand and do
something about it.

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