Friday, February 19, 2010

An Amazing Mind Willing to Share

A recent night at scouts reminded me about how brilliant the minds of children in the autism spectrum are. It also prompted me to share the following experience with you because I thought it would definitely amuse many of you (especially those who know my children).

My #2 never seizes to amaze me. The other day he was explaining what he knew in the subject of mathematics. He asked me what the highest number I could count to was. I told him that I could count to a trillion. He then proceeded to ask me what the highest number was. I told him I didn't know. He told me that it was "infinity". I vaguely remembered that from college. I told him how proud I was that he knew that. He then asked me if I knew what the lowest number was. Again, I told him I didn't know. He told me it was "negative infinity" and looked at me with such a wide grin... the kind that goes from ear to ear. It was so cute. I was definitely impressed. When he gets in this kind of mood I like to test his knowledge on various subjects so I decided to ask him about aerodynamics. I asked him how a plane stays up in the air. My father is a former helicopter pilot and he explained things to him a couple years ago and even showed him how to fly a flight simulator program on the computer. Needless to say, my #2 remembered a lot! He drew a wing and then explained lift to me and even showed how the wind current goes over a CURVED wing! I was floored. I have always known how smart he is, but I guess I didn't realize how much he retains and how eager he is to share his knowledge with me. I am going to encourage him to explain more things to me in the future. It was so much fun.
Take time to listen to your
children. You might be amazed
at what you hear.

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