Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let Me Count My Blessings

Kudos go out to all the single moms and dads out there who do the parenting thing every day by themselves. I honestly don't know how they do it! It's enough to drive me insane having to do it for a few days or a week. I've had friends whose husbands went overseas for deployment in the military, and they had to do it alone for MONTHS! They are among the strongest individuals I know.

Its truly amazing to see how much you are capable of when tested. You have no idea what your limits are until they are tested. Patience, frugality, organizational skills, and ingenuity are among some of the things that I have personally gleaned from having to do things on my own. Sometimes I take it for granted that my husband will do certain things. We truly make a good team. However, when he's gone I am reminded of all the ways he makes things easier for me and the family. The biggest thing I miss when he's gone is the moral support. It can be mentally exhausting raising four busy kids. My oldest is finally calming down and is able to help more, but he still demands a lot of attention and still needs me for validation. He still likes for me to go to the school and never hesitates to give me a hug. I am so glad that the transition into the teenage years has gone so smoothly.

I love my husband more than words can say. He's truly my soul mate. I can't imagine my life any other way.... even with all the crazy things I have to deal with. He has a way of calming me down when I want to lose it. He has a way of helping me put things in perspective. He is truly an example to me of what a humble servant of God should be like. Last, but not least, he makes me feel like the best mom and wife in the world. That's a feat in itself because (as many of you probably can relate) I don't often feel that way.

It is humbling to know that I am among the minority in the world. All around me I see so many couples getting divorced or having difficulty. It often stems from having to deal with different issues associated with having children with special needs. They say that it either brings a couple closer together or else tears them apart. Every obstacle we've had has only brought us closer together and I feel truly blessed for that. I think all couples need time together and we make time for dates and time away from the children. We're blessed to have a built-in babysitter now who does a great job. We also try and make time to pursue our own interests either with other people or on our own. We don't have a secret formula, but we do try to keep a Christ-centered home and marriage. With all the chaos in the world, we've created a safe haven where we can get away from it all and get a head start on eternity.

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