Saturday, December 27, 2008

Humor is Truly the Best Medicine

I was thinking about all the things that I struggle with and the challenges that mothers face all around the world. It's a common link that binds us women to one another. No matter what country, what race we are, what religion we may belong to, or even our economic status... there are some things that come with the calling of motherhood. With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to share a little perspective on things that happen around our household and the way we try and deal with those things. Through a little patience and humor we have learned that nothing is really as bad as it seems at the time. The world won't end at that moment... even if it seems that way.

My youngest is the pickiest eater and it takes everything in the world to get him to eat nutritious things. It almost seems like he doesn't like to chew. If it takes him any effort at all, he won't usually touch it. However, I have recently learned that he loves dips. He loves artichoke dip in particular. He also likes spinach dip. That is one way I can get him to eat his "greens" without too much fuss. Tonight as I was tucking him into bed, I watched him as he laid there and proceeded to pick him nose and eat the contents thereof. How ironic... he won't touch the delicious meal I prepared for the family, but he doesn't give it a second thought to eat his snot. At least I can rest assured that he got his protein for the day. Right?

You know what they say, "if you can't beat them, join them." Well... the other day I was trying to watch a t.v. show that I was looking forward to seeing and the kids were loud and would not let me hear any of it. First, my oldest comes down and tattles on his younger brother. Then came my daughter crying and whining about something. Finally, the baby climbed on top of me and elbowed me on my chest. At that point I had enough. I was about to explode. All of a sudden I realized that I had DVR and could record my show. I did just that! I then turned off the t.v. and joined the kids outside and played. We had the funnest time laughing and running around. The best thing was that I later was able to watch my show UNINTERRUPTED!! Imagine that!!!

How long can a kid keep whining? My husband and I decided to test it out and see. On our way home from Disney last month my husband and I attempted to talk about some things, but one of our kids kept asking for something or proceeded to whine. Our daughter was the culprit this time. She was REALLY tired and could not get settled. My husband leaned over and said, "I bet she can't make it one minute without whining." I took the bet. For the last hour we actually kept track and she did not make it more than a minute. We were almost in tears from laughing so hard. Each time she would whine or cry then we looked at each other and looked at the clock and just burst out laughing. The funniest part was that my daughter would then start to cry thinking we were laughing at her. Eventually our oldest figured out something was going on and then HE started asking us what was funny. We had not laughed so hard in a very long time and it felt good.

Oh....I have to tell you all about our "slow toilet" incident. I noticed that our guest bathroom toilet was not flushing properly and eventually became clogged. I decided to hire some professionals who could remedy the problem. Before they started they told me that it would cost about $40 for them just to look and they would apply it towards the balance at the end. That's fair, I thought. They worked and worked on the blockage. It was clear that it was going to be major. They estimated it was going to be over $100 to clear it. They worked on getting their apparatus inside the toilet to attempt to clear the blockage. Whatever was in there was stuck and would not come out. One of the men came up to me with a worried look on his face and explained that their apparatus was stuck inside and they did not know what to do. They said that they would have to remove the toilet. That would cost another $100 and then they warned me that if they couldn't remove it they might have to bust the toilet to get it out. A brand new toilet would cost us a few hundred dollars. (I was thinking that at this rate it might be cheaper to just get a new toilet.) Anyways, to make a long story short... they ended up finding one of those "free toys" from a child's meal. (It was a toddler toy.) It was definitely pointing towards my #4 more and more. He had attempted to flush it down the toilet and it got stuck in the neck of the toilet where it curves. The men were able to wiggle it lose finally. In the end, our "free" toy end up costing us a couple hundred dollars. What could I do, but laugh? The men had a good sense of humor and shared a story with me to help me feel better. They told me that once a woman was using the bathroom and dropped her cellphone inside the toilet. Well..she didn't want to get her hands dirty and so she flushed the toilet thinking that she could just grab it with clean water. It didn't quite work out the way she expected. She ended up flushing her cellphone. Talk about flushing money down the toilet.... he he he.

I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. In the heat of the moment sometimes we forget to stop, take a deep breath, and exhale. If we step back and look at the bigger picture then we can appreciate the humor in the situation. In our household we definitely have to rely on our sense of humor or else we would go crazy. Who knows? Maybe we are already there. :)
They say that those who laugh live longer.
I sure hope that's the case.

1 comment:

Simply, Sarah said...

Andy used to find toothbrushes as the blockage in our toilets when our children were younger. Disgusting!

We haven't had toys in the toilet for years now, knock on wood! I think it's from the children growing up. It'll be interesting to see if the baby ends up bringing those memories back.