Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2008-2009

Looking back on 2008 I have to feel a sense of accomplishment. Although I did not meet all of my goals, I DID meet many of them and I am looking forward to 2009. I still can't believe how fast this year went by.

In 2008 we were able to diagnose my daughter with Wilson's Disease and get her checked out by some brilliant doctors at Children's Hospital. That was one of my biggest goals. I still can't believe how many years it took us to get a diagnosis. I am just thankful that I listened to my gut and persisted. If I had listened to previous doctors and ignored my instincts... who knows? I just don't want to even think about that. This year, we got my children into great schools and consequently they have some wonderful teachers who care about them. That was an answer to my prayers. Last year was the worst year, and I vowed to have a better year. This summer we adopted our Cookie, a mangy mutt that has captured our hearts, and is a joy to us all. We have made numerous new friends that will forever be part of our lives. We've also had old ones move back closer to us and that means the world to me as well. My parents and my extended family are all in good health. My husband and I are doing fantastic. What more could I ask for?

I thought I would post my New Year's Resolutions for 2009. This way, I would be accountable. My biggest priority is to be more organized. I need to not only organize my house, my life, my time, but also my thoughts and priorities. I think once I do that, the rest will fall into place. Next on my list, is to live a healthier lifestyle. Not only will this be good for me, but the entire family. I know that not only will I look better, but I will live longer if I do it. I want to finish projects that I began years ago. I think this goes along with being organized. I am convinced that is my major obstacle. I have many long-term goals and dreams, but I think I have enough for now to work on. This blog has been a great outlet for me. It has helped me organize my thoughts and learn more about who I am and what I need to work on.

Last, but definitely not least, I want to continue this blog. My goal is that it will reach all of those families who are desperate for information. My dream is that there will be a parent who has a child with a diagnosis and that they won't feel alone. They will read my story and know that there is hope. I don't pretend to have all the answers. I just promise to all those who read this blog that I will not stop researching and finding information on these topics. I promise that as long as I am able, I will fight for vaccine safety. Even if there is not a consensus on the autism link, there IS a consensus that parents want the safest vaccines and medicines for our children. We insist on research that is comprehensive and unbiased. We are molding our future and all these kids with problems will become adults with problems. We all know the status of our economy and we are about to have "change" come January 2009. I hope and pray that we can dig ourselves out of the hole we are in as a nation so that we will be able to care for all those adults with autism. Their parents will not be there forever and our tax dollars will not be enough.

Since this is my last post until 2009, I wanted to end on this note:
I wish you all a new year full of happiness, promise, and hope. May your trials and burdens be lifted and blessings pour upon you and your family. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and I know that prayers are answered. We also have a kind and loving Heavenly Father who knows our trials and suffers along with us. All we have to do is remember that He is there and all we have to do is knock and he will open the door. You don't ever have to go through it alone.....NEVER!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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