Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's Eat!!

Summer is a time to play, swim, and play, and swim at our house. It is also a time to eat! The kids are "endless pits" and I find myself trying to find ingenious ways of stretching our food so I don't have to go to the store every other day. I also think it's important to keep things at least halfway nutritious. I have already seen my oldest grow into the next pant size in less than a month's time and I know they need all the nutrition they can get!

Some things I try to keep in stock at all times are: milk, bread, eggs, Malt-flavored Ovaltine, frozen strawberries, bananas, peanut butter, fruit spread or jams, ramen noodles, rice, and oatmeal. I thought it would be fun to post some nutritious but delicious snacks that are favorites at our house.... enjoy!!
2 cups milk
1 banana
scoop of ice cream, any flavor (optional)
a handful of frozen strawberries
a handful of ice cubes
a teaspoon of vanilla
3-4 Tbps. Malt-flavored Ovaltine
(put all ingredients in a blender until smooth)
*Add more ice if you like it thicker*
*If you don't have bananas, the smoothie will still taste good... just add more chocolate Ovaltine.
*This also tastes good without the Ovaltine.
(Just experiment with the ingredients and see what you like.)
Ramen Noodles with egg:
I just make the noodles according the package instructions and then add 1-2 eggs scrambled once the water is boiling. It's easier if you scramble the eggs in a bowl and then add slowly to the boiling water stirring in clockwise direction as you drop it in.
*If you want to decrease the sodium, then just add half the packet of seasoning.
Special K cereals:
They have some really neat flavors now. My kids love the Vanilla Almond flavor. They also enjoy the one with strawberries. It's a quick and nutritious snack that most kids would enjoy.
*This is especially helpful to the moms who are trying to lose weight.
PB&J Sandwiches:
If you use whole-wheat or White Wheat and use fruit spread and not the "jelly" then you actually have a decent snack for your kids. My kids love for me to cut their sandwiches into shapes. Sometimes I do circles, other times I do hearts.
*If you pack them in aluminum foil instead of sandwich bags, they won't get crushed when packing for picnics.
I make my oatmeal with milk and cinnamon sugar. They love it and will eat it for breakfast AND snacks.
Fresh fruits and veggies:
You would be surprised what your children will eat when they have it cut up and with a dip. Try it and see. My youngest who is picky will actually eat artichoke dip... imagine that!!
"On-the-go" Ideas:
I try to have those Fiber One bars or "Breakfast" bars available. They are great for when you are in a hurry and don't have time to cook anything. They also make a great snack and you can carry them in your purse or bag.
Another great time-saver and money saver is the crock pot. Learn how to use yours. You will be amazed at all the things you can make in one... including dessert!
I hope everyone is having a great summer and that you are able to feed YOUR "endless pits". Don't forget the sunscreen and more importantly, drink plenty of fluids!

Happy Summer!!!