Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Survival Tips

With the holidays coming up I thought it would be beneficial to discuss how to survive the holidays. We're not just talking about the gifts either. I think the holidays are wonderful, but they also bring many factors that are often difficult to deal with. For example, diet is often changed. A lot of sugar is consumed compared to other times and sometimes the basics of nutrition are ignored.

Let's begin with dealing with off-days. Try to maintain some kind of routine, whatever that may be. It's also important that you don't forget to feed your children. Remember that they often have a snack before lunch at school and we might not even think about that. My daughter actually has snack AFTER lunch. She is accustomed to eating when she gets home from school. If you notice your children acting a little "hyper" or irritable then it might mean that they are hungry.

Next, I want to talk about gifts. Maybe it's because I have four children, but I think that it's important that children understand the reason for the season. They don't need a hundred presents to feel loved. As a matter of fact, I know some families that tell their children that Santa only has room for one present for each child and then the rest are from the parents. That makes it a lot easier to explain when they don't have the funds to get them what they want. In MY family, we don't do "wish lists". I just talk to my children and I KNOW what they want. As a matter of fact, there are things out there that they don't even KNOW about.

The last thing is spending time with your family. Sometimes spending time with extended family can be overwhelming for everyone.... but especially the children. Try to be mindful of things that may not seem such a big deal to you, but that could make things stressful. For example, talk to your children about rules at other people's homes. Explain the importance of using their manners and remembering their please and thank you's. You may want your children to bring a special toy or something to do in case there is not much to do where they are going. That usually works for us. If you have to travel a long distance, try bringing blankets and pillows. Those things seem to help relax the kids and comes in handy when they fall asleep in the car on the way home.

The holidays don't have to be stressful. Just remember the reason for the season and try not to get caught up the marketing of the holidays. There is no reason to max out credit cards and over-extend yourself in time as well. The most valuable gift you can give yourself and others is the gift of peace and joy. That is something that money can't buy.
Jesus is the reason for the Season.

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