Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution Suggestion

I have a suggestion for a "New Year's Resolution" for all you moms out there. I want you to have an open mind about this and really try to do it. My suggestion is that you try to complete ONE project that you have always wanted to do. For example, I have always wanted to get my music that I have composed over the years onto paper. I sometimes worry that I will either forget it or else lose my muse as the years go on. It's sort of like a legacy of sorts that I want to leave behind. I figure it might be something that my grandkids can play and know that their grandmother enjoyed playing.

Everyone has dreams and goals that they want to accomplish. I urge you to figure out what YOUR dream is and go for it in 2010! Sometimes we spend so much time worrying and caring for our children that we forget about our OWN dreams. I think it's the best gift you could give yourself and your kids.
Just do it!!

1 comment:

Flockfeeder said...

Grace wrote out her song using Finale Notepad, which she found free on the internet. I have a friend that writes music; she invested in a cool program that transcribes as she plays it on an electric keyboard. She writes a LOT of music, so it was worth it for her.

Good luck!