Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finding the Right Kind of Help

When you have a child in the autism spectrum there are many issues that you have to face as a parent. The first, and most important, is the physical AND mental well-being of your child. The physical is probably the most apparent for most parents. However, it seems like the mental or emotional part is more challenging for most.

The fact is that sometimes we need the help from professionals. Not only does the child benefit, but the parents as well. I have a friend who has great health insurance and it covers her child's visits to a Psychologist once a week! I wish I were so lucky! She takes full advantage of it and is able to not only get help for her child, but also gets counseling for herself.

I am extremely lucky to have wonderful support from family and friends. I can pick up the phone right now and I know that they would understand and be a listening ear when I need it. There are many who are not so lucky. The stigma of going to a doctor for help is slowly changing. More and more people are talking openly about it. Maybe it's the media... maybe it's that we're more open-minded. I strongly believe that the main reason is that there are more people now who seek professional counseling. There is nothing wrong with it and it doesn't make you weak. On the contrary, it makes you stronger.

My hope is that whoever is out there struggling with the decision of whether to get help or not, will do so. Don't wait. Don't wait until all hope is gone or you feel like there is no other alternative. You CAN get the support you need. There ARE people out there who understand. I promise you that there is someone out there who has the same values and thought process as you. You just need to seek them out. My friend has to drive over an hour to seek help, but she does it. It definitely puts things in perspective for me.

If you end up with someone you don't like or who doesn't have the same value system you do, then look elsewhere. You don't have to give up. I have seen how persistence pays off. This is definitely something worth fighting for.
I urge you to check this out:

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