Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wilson's Disease Miracle

I realized that it has been a long time since I wrote about Wilson's Disease. It comes in cycles since my daughter has to go to Children's Hospital every six months. Every time I go I am reminded about her condition and that her health is such a blessing. I am still optimistic, but unfortunately the doctors have a way of always reminding me that she is still young and that things could change once she is older. I try not to let it get to me.

I have concluded that my daughter is a Wilson's Disease miracle. Everywhere I read that people have all kinds of side effects on their meds and so far she hasn't... except for the occasional upset stomach which seems to be remedied by giving her morning dose with a little food. Her liver enzymes are getting better. They are still not "normal" but they keep going down and are at almost normal range, which is definitely something the doctors were not expecting but were hoping for.

I have concluded that miracles happen every day. However, we have to keep our minds open. God has a silent and reverent way of teaching us. If we would just take the time to get away from all the chaos and commotion in our lives, we can actually feel his presence in our lives. I believe that our daughter is a testament of what can be achieved when we pray and have faith. I have prayed for my daughter, for the doctors, and for myself. I honestly believe that my prayers were answered and that because I acted on my promptings that we are blessed today.
God answers prayers.

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