Autism isn't a deadly disease. However, in some ways it is like a death sentence for many parents. It marks the end of certain dreams and expectations. It marks the end of life as you know it. For me, knowing that my child has autism just means that the days of trying to find answers for a diagnosis are over. It means that I no longer have to listen to teachers and others tell me that my child is just "strong-willed" or "spoiled". Knowing that my child has autism means the end to rationalizing why my child may behave differently than other kids. It also means that I need to be patient. Asperger's is not so bad, right? Doesn't Bill Gates have it? He turned out okay. Instead of focusing on what my child may not be able to do right now, I will focus on his strengths. I will help him develop those talents I know he has. It is up to me as his mother to push him whenever possible. There will be times when I'm sure we'll want to give up, but we must not. I'm so thankful for the strong support group I have. My mother, my husband, and friends are there for me. I can pick up the phone and I know they won't judge. They truly understand.
Autism doesn't define your child. It is an extension of who they are. Having autism is like having brown hair. Are all brown haired individuals smart? Are all brown haired individuals good at math? Of course not! Get to know your child. They are counting on you to be their advocate and voice. Many of these children cannot speak for themselves. That is the biggest role you have as their parent.
My wish for the future is that the stigma of diagnosis will go away! It doesn't matter anymore! I wish parents would just do what is best for their children. There are also many parents who suffer from mental illness that need help. You cannot help your child unless YOU get help. Going to a psychiatrist or therapist does not make you weak. It gives you the tools you desperately need to be the best parent you can be. Don't ever feel like you've given up.
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