Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are You on the Fence When it Comes to Vaccines?

I would like to thank someone (not going to mention any names) for a wonderful hour-long conversation. I learned so much and I hope I can remember even a fraction of what we talked about.

If you have been reading my posts since the beginning, then you already know my stance on vaccines. The short explanation is that I believe in vaccines and that they work, but I don't think they are completely safe and we should be cautious. I also feel that medicine is not 100% correct 100% of the time.

There are many individuals who just don't know what to do about vaccines. They are torn because they know that they are taking a risk if they don't vaccinate, and a greater risk if they do. There is a sense of guilt involved in the decision process. Of course, doctors will feed on that. They often will guilt parents into vaccinating. That was the case with my previous doctor.

On the other hand, there are those individuals who have decided whole-heartedly that they will either vaccinate or completely refuse to vaccinate. These individuals have a strong testimony and no matter what you say you can not change their minds. They will back up their claims with solid evidence and state their case. I have seen this on both sides.

Well....there is also a growing number of people who are on the fence when it comes to vaccines. It has been interesting hearing the different stories of why people either stopped vaccinating or else they resumed vaccinating. It usually involves something that happened to their child. You can't dispute something when it happens to YOU. It's one thing to read about a child who dies because of a reaction and another thing for it to happen to you. During my phone conversation I learned of a lady who happened to be a nurse who had a child contract one of those vaccine-preventable illnesses..... I believe it was Pertussis. She spent two months with a sick child. They had to stay up during the night and make sure they didn't choke on the mucous during the coughing spells. It sounded very scary. Up until then she had chosen not to vaccinate her children and so she felt very guilty that this happened. I can only imagine.

The facts are that parents just want to do what's best for their family. We all take some sort of risk each day when it comes to the health and well-being of our family. It's up to us, the parents, to weigh those risks. It's definitely not an easy task, but parenting is NEVER easy. The important thing to remember is that YOU feel comfortable with whatever decision you make. You all know what decision I have made, but not everyone would feel comfortable doing it that way. I have learned to keep an open mind when it comes to things like this. I definitely DON'T look down on anyone who decides to vaccinate. I also don't look down on anyone who decides NOT to vaccinate. That is such a personal decision.

That being said.., IF you vaccinate and something DOES happen, then you have to face the consequences. The same way that if you don't vaccinate and something happens you will also have to face the consequences. Each family is different and has different circumstances. It's not a one size fits all deal. I think the most important thing to do is to remain informed. That is the only way you can make an educated decision. It also helps when you have to face doctors, family, or friends about your decisions. It never hurts to have some "ammunition".... does it? ;)

What do you do now? It's easy to become obsessed with this decision. Believe me... I know! However, learn as much as you can. Don't do something because it's the "popular" thing to do, but because it's the RIGHT thing to do. As far as I can see, no one has the answers. The medical community is split when it comes to admitting the truth. There are a few doctors who have the guts to stand and say, "More research must be done... we owe it to our patients to find out the truth."
If you are on the fence when it comes to vaccines I definitely can't blame you. It's a scary decision. Just know that you aren't alone. I hope this blog can help you learn more and make an informed decision. My goal is not to scare parents but to educate them.
My prayers are with you all.

1 comment:

Gary A.C. Backus said...

Even if you have decided to set up your own schedule for vaccines, it's very difficult to resist a doctor who says, "I give these shots to my grandchildren."