Friday, September 26, 2008

What do I REALLY think about vaccines? (uncensored version)

Many doctors think that parents who don't vaccinate their children or who are cautious about it are uneducated or ignorant. This couldn't be farther from the truth! You would be surprised to know how many parents are actually in the medical field. Let me state MY credentials: I graduated Cum Laude from college with a degree in Biology with a Pre-Med option. I completed a one-year internship in the Medical Technology program at a local hospital and was offered a job at another hospital upon completion. I received my ASCP certification and worked in the laboratory for five years. I specialized in Chemistry and Microbiology. Last, but definitely not least, I am a mother of four beautiful children and I have approximately twelve years of parenting experience. That about sums it up!

*Disclaimer: first of all, I never have and never will claim that I am a doctor or a specialist in medicine or vaccines. I am a mother who feels that parents should be given ALL the facts. I am a mother who thinks that the majority of parents are smart enough to make their own decisions about their children's health. I am also a mother who insists on doing all I can to ensure that vaccines are as safe as they can be with today's technology!

The first time I heard about vaccines causing autism was when I took my daughter to see a pediatric neurologist. His name is Dr. Corbier and I would recommend him to anyone living in North Carolina. He used to have an office here in Alabama but recently relocated. I really miss him. Anyway, he mentioned that he had seen children have autistic symptoms after receiving vaccines. He told me that there were many people in the medical community who suspected that vaccines might be the cause for many neurological disorders. I was floored! I had heard about these claims before but never from a medical professional. Could my daughter have been damaged by the same thing that was supposed to protect her? It couldn't be?!

This was a big turning point for me. From that moment on, I did my research. I went online and read medical journals, read tons of books, found CDC websites, and then I found some wonderful organizations for parents with children who have autism. I began to read the stories of parents who had given birth to normal healthy kids but who now were autistic. I also read stories of recovery and hope. I began to see a trend. It seemed like the pattern was: parents suspect something is wrong after vaccines are administered....doctors either ignore it or say there is nothing wrong 'cause child is too young....then it's the "wait and see" attitude that occurs....followed by "let's test"....then FINALLY after a year or longer , the diagnosis.

The problem is that most parents don't know what to look for. Let me tell you...a newborn baby cannot talk, right? So all they can do is either cry or scream to let you know they are in pain. Well...if your child has more than just a few minutes of "fussiness" after a shot is given then there is definitely something wrong. My biggest concern is that most parents are told to give their child Tylenol or another type of pain-reliever and so they are taught to expect some of the behavior. That was the case with my children. My oldest came home with fever, fussiness, AND at times would arch his back from the pain. I gave him Tylenol with the following shots because I hated to see him that way. I just thought it was a "normal" thing. I had no idea! Then with my #2 it was worse. He was smaller than my first so I bet his little body was overwhelmed. I remember how he would cry so much that he would fall asleep from exhaustion. He would clench his fists and just scream! Again, I just thought this was normal. My daughter had episodes where her hands and feet would turn blue. I called the doctor's office and they just dismissed it. They said it was normal because her circulatory system was still developing and so if she got cold it would happen. However, this was when my daughter was about 18 months old! I remember calling my friend and asking her about it. She wisely told me to seek another opinion and to take her to a specialist. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to her until months later.

What kinds of things should parents be looking out for? Doctors say that fussiness, fever, swelling at injection site, temporary loss of appetite, followed by sleepiness are normal. Although I have issues with that, those are not the important signs to be watching for. The things to be looking out for are: changes in behavior, loss of eye contact, inability to soothe or be consoled, SIDS, changes in bowel movement or digestion, increased sensitivity to sounds or sights or smells, changes in appetite, and anything that is "out of the norm" for your child. As a parent you are the first line of defense. That means that you will notice something waaaaay before the doctor will. It's a known fact that parents tend to compare their children to others and ironically that CAN be a good thing. Sometimes parents are blinded by their love for their children and so it's a good "check and balance" for milestones. For example, if you have a child that is 18 months old and they still have not said their first words and you see how others the same age are already able to communicate then that will be a big "red flag" for you to check it out.

I am going to go on record and say that I am NOT anti-vaccine. I have a few friends and family that think I am insane for continuing to vaccinate my children. However, I still think that vaccines work! I understand the physiology of the immune system and how the body produces antibodies, etc.... I also think that although our technology and health care are advanced enough to take care of some of these diseases, why put my child at risk and have him suffer? That is why it makes me SO MAD that they put all of these toxins in the vaccines. Why can't they make them safer? Well....let me tell you the answer: MONEY!

The reason that they added thimerosal to vaccines was because it was the cheapest way to preserve the vaccine and reduce bacterial contamination. You see, some of the vaccines come in big vials and when your child gets the shot they take a syringe and pull what they need out. That way, they can use one vial for multiple patients. That is why contamination is one of the biggest issues with vaccines. For a few cents more they could put them into separate syringes. However, doctors don't want to do that. My doctor won't order separate measles, mumps, and rubella because he told me that they have to get them in "batches".... well, as many patients as he has, I am sure they wouldn't go to waste. He just doesn't want to spend the few extra dollars that it would cost.

Check out this website: (just copy and paste to go there)
Let me give you a good example: the MMR vaccine costs about $46.54 ...but the NEW MMRV (which includes the varicella or chicken pox vaccine) costs $124.37. The varicella alone costs $77.51. You do the math: $46.54 + $77.51 = $124.05... that's about the same price and actually a little cheaper, right? So....why is it a big deal for the doctor to push for the MMRV?'s because getting the MMRV is a sure $124.37 plus their mark-up, plus the doctor's visit. It's so obvious that vaccines are definitely a money-maker for the doctors. Don't let them tell you otherwise. I am going to touch the subject of the new Gardasil vaccine. Go to CDC website on the VAERS report on the vaccine:
This is not a "quack" website....this is the actual CDC website that regulates vaccines and medicines. Do you see how they downplay the reactions? Do you see how they still have some reports "pending further investigation"? Did you catch the part where it says, "VAERS defines serious adverse events by the Code of Federal Regulations as adverse events involving hospitalizations, death, permanent disability, and life-threatening illness." Did you see how they placed "death" in the middle? I know first-hand how this works. We are in the process of trying to report autistic symptoms as a side-effect of vaccines with our daughter through the Omnibus Trial Hearing. We already got our first response and you know what it said? First, it said that we might have missed the statute of limitations. Secondly, it states that we haven't proved our case because we didn't take our daughter to the doctor immediately after the vaccine was given! You see....we CALLED the doctor and they said everything was fine. Remember? Also, when we finally saw the doctor, he didn't put anywhere in his notes that we were concerned about her symptoms. It didn't say anything at all! So, it looks like it was another "well-baby" check-up!

Please learn from my mistakes. Make sure to go to the doctor if you suspect anything. Also, make sure you have documentation. Don't just downplay your child's symptoms. Make sure the doctor knows your concerns and have some laboratory testing done if applicable. That will help you if you need it later. Lastly, don't ignore your instincts. I had a feeling deep within my gut that something was wrong with my daughter. I should not have ignored it. I trusted the doctor and I was disillusioned

In conclusion, if your child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine and the doctors won't acknowledge it then by all means STOP. Look for another doctor that will listen. There are so many things that can act as allergens in vaccines. As many of you already know, allergies can manifest itself in many ways such as behavior, physical, physiological, and even death. I still can't get over how doctors claim that there is no connection. Let me put it to you this way: if you have a child who eats eggs and he has an allergic reaction then you won't feed that child anymore eggs. That doesn't mean that eggs are bad for all kids, it just means that your child can't tolerate them. If you have other kids then you will probably test them for an allergy to eggs, right? You might even wait to introduce the eggs until they are a bit older.

Well... that's my take on the vaccine issue. Let's come up with a way to screen kids who might be susceptible or weaker. Let's wait at least a couple months before introducing all sorts of toxins and crazy ingredients into their tiny bodies and immature systems. New parents go crazy boiling water, sanitizing everything, and even testing toys now for lead. However, we don't think twice about injecting formaldehyde, mercury, and anti-freeze into our newborn babies. Makes sense to me........NOT!!!
"We wish to state, very clearly, that we are not against all
vaccines, but we do believe there is strong evidence to
suggest that some of the ingredients may be hazardous
and that our children are being given too many, too soon!"
-Jenny McCarthy

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