Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Isn't it Ironic....Don't you think?

I was considering changing doctors since my last appointment with my baby. I have fought and fought my feelings and anger inside my heart for so long. I thought that going to my current doctor and having lost my trust in him was probably not a good thing. There have been too many close calls and although I love my primary pediatrician, I just don't like the others in the group.

So... I ventured into another group this afternoon in search of another doctor that might have a more open mind about things. One of my dear friends had suggested I check out HER pediatrician, who happens to be a woman. This doctor sounded wonderful and very open-minded. My friend was able to do just one shot at a time with her kids and was able to speak to her about her concerns. The doctor at one point had even made a comment about how there MIGHT be something to the vaccine-autism link. I thought she sounded very promising.

I had no trouble finding the office. It was located a little closer to home.... that's always a good thing. When I stepped inside I felt very comfortable there. It smelled clean and it looked like a fun place to take my kids. I was also impressed at how they had separate waiting rooms for the sick and well kids... unlike my current group that just divides a big room with a wall to separate them. (I've always thought that was similar to how they used to separate the smoking and non-smoking sections in many restaurants... it's all the same air!) I didn't have to wait very long and that impressed me very much. I wasn't a "paying patient" so I was expecting to have to wait for at least an hour. I waited no more than thirty minutes! They took me to the back and I sat in an examining room to wait for the doctor. I have to admit that I was very anxious and excited at the same time. I was praying that things would work out. It would be one less thing that I would have to worry about.

When the doctor entered the room I could tell that I was going to like her as a person. She was very sweet and humble. I liked the way she spoke to me. It was as if I was speaking to another mother (which I was) and that made me feel like I could relate to her. I told her that she came highly recommended and I wanted to discuss some things with her before making my decision to take my kids there. I told her a bit of history on all the kids. Then I asked her how she felt about doing alternative schedules for vaccines. I explained how I felt about vaccines and how I just wanted to be cautious. I told her that my first three kids all had problems and my fourth is doing great. I was especially careful about explaining Sarah's condition and how her metabolic disorder was definitely an issue.

Well...she didn't get angry or defensive. She calmly told me that they no longer encouraged alternative schedules for vaccines. She said that she had just come from a CDC meeting that discussed the measles problems that they are starting to see and she was concerned. She went on to explain that there was no proof and that she had "prayed about this" and felt that there is no link. She went on to say how she understood my concern but she wanted to be honest with me. I thanked her for her honesty. Then I asked her if they ever split the MMR vaccine. She told me that in the past they had, but they no longer do it. She said that at the meeting they told her that the MMR loses it efficacy if they split it. (What????!!) Anyways, it sounded to me like this "meeting" was more of a "brainwashing for doctors" seminar. How unfortunate!

Luckily, my husband and I had already discussed what we would do if this scenario took place. We agreed that we would continue to see our present doctor and just take the kids for the vaccines. If they get sick we will take our kids to Primed (We know the doctors there and they are WONDERFUL and NEVER have given us any problems about the whole vaccine issue..... As a matter of fact, I asked one of the nurses one time about what I should say when they ask me if my kids are current on their vaccines. She told me that they are "current" as long as we are working on giving it to them and they are not in school yet.) If there is an emergency, we will take them to the ER. My daughter sees a team of doctors at the Children's Hospital so there is no need for her to see her regular pediatrician at all.

I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all. Even though my present doctor doesn't agree with me, at least he still carries out my wishes. In spite of his anger towards my decision, at least he is not hostile towards me. Lastly, although I will never change his mind about things and he has made it hard on me, at least he only expresses his opinion but he is not telling me what I can't do. In the end, the doctor that I was trying to get away from was the one who met our needs the best. Isn't it ironic?
Some of God's greatest gifts are
unanswered prayers~ Garth Brooks

1 comment:

Gary A.C. Backus said...

"I was considering changing doctors since my last appointment with my baby. I have fought and fought my feelings and anger inside my heart for so long. I thought that going to my current doctor and having lost my trust in him was probably not a good thing. There have been too many close calls and although I love my primary pediatrician, I just don't like the others in the group."

It's ironic that the one thing that shows they care more about money than about your children, vaccination shots, is the last remaining use we have for them. Everything else is getting outsourced to Pri-Med or ER.