Friday, January 30, 2009

Alas.... It Was Too Good to Be True

Something told me to call the hospital laboratory and confirm that the balance for me, my husband, and my older son were what I was told the other day. Ironically, I've had laryngitis now for about 4 days and for a couple hours I was able to talk. I decided to take advantage of that and call them since it was on my "to do list" and I wanted to make sure it was done. Little did I know I would be opening up a can of worms.

It seems to me that our ONE laboratory test has become about 16 procedures and 3 different accounts PER PERSON! That is why I keep getting different stories when I call. Luckily, I ended up with a lady who seemed to know what she was doing. In stead of looking at just one account, she pulled all of them up on her screen and was able to give me the specific numbers and balance information. Unfortunately, it looks like we still owe thousands and thousands of dollars. We are basically back at square one. Lucky me!!

We requested an itemized bill and should be getting that very soon. Once we look at that and see what our insurance has already paid and what is left then we will have a better picture of what is going on. Also, we will hopefully be able to catch any double billing. I have a strong suspicion that we were double billed.... especially since my husband and oldest son have the same name and birthday. That is a very likely error.

I still haven't lost hope. I know that things will get straightened out and that we will be able to clear all of it up. I am trying to keep in mind that there is no sense in stressing over things we cannot control, but rather doing what I can on my end and leaving the rest up to my Heavenly Father. It's in His hands now.
The Serenity Prayer.... keep
that in mind.


Nicole Bolinger said...

SO frustrating! HOpe you figure it all out!

Ginger said...

I hate fighting with insurance and hospitals!!!!!