Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm So Excited... and I Just Can't Hide It!!!

Tonight I had the privilege of going to an Autism Support Group Meeting in Auburn, Alabama. It's been my experience that there are no coincidences in life. Sometimes our Heavenly Father has a way of placing people and experiences in our lives for a reason. I have to share what happened tonight with all of you.

The Keynote speaker was a lady by the name of Lauren Hixon. She is a remarkable lady who has taken it upon herself to find out all she can about autism and ways to help your child through diet and early intervention. She is a Speech Pathologist and a mom of three boys. She is convinced that there is a direct link between autism and the health of the mom. That is something I have not looked into, to be honest. However, one thing she mentioned as she was talking was about how hard it was for her to find a doctor in the Montgomery area. (For those of you who don't already know... I live in the Montgomery area.) She then casually mentioned that she finally found a doctor that understood her child's needs and all that she believed concerning diet AND VACCINES!!! I was floored! There was actually a doctor in MY area that might be able to help me. I continued to listen to her and in the back of my mind all I could think was, "I gotta go up to her afterwards and find out which doctor she uses!" She also mentioned another doctor (who was present at the meeting) who has a clinic in Birmingham and has helped numerous people in the Auburn area. EUREKA!!!

I have to thank my dear friend Barb who called me up yesterday and told me about this meeting. I truly believe she is one of those "angels" who have come into my life to help me through all of this. She found out about it through her hairdresser who JUST found out her four-year old has autism. I talked to her and she said she had known for at least two years, but her family and friends thought she was nuts. I welcomed her to "the club" and told her my story. It was nice to be in a room of parents who know exactly how you feel. It's wonderful!!

After Lauren finished talking, I dashed over to her and told her my dilemma. I then asked her which doctor she was seeing. Well.... (drum roll please)... she is actually seeing the same group that I am about to see with my baby boy! She told me that the doctor I have the appointment with is actually one of the better ones because he is the one that recommended a certain book (with a "crazy diet") and his entire family follows that diet. In other words, he is definitely open to alternative medicine and has a respect for the mothers of children with autism. I am sooooo excited that I had to share this news with all of you before I went to bed. I will write about some of the specific information I heard tonight at a later time. It was definitely brain overload for me because it was a ton of information in such a short period of time.

The best news about tonight is that I have found two wonderful contacts for possible doctors, and I can now rest assured that next week when I take my baby to one of them I can be open about the whole vaccine thing and not feel badly about it. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. It feels good when you are validated. I know that there are many parents out there who feel the same way I do. All I want is for a doctor to believe me when I say that something happened to my daughter and we treated her and she got better. I don't want the same thing to happen to my son... help me so that doesn't happen!
Good things come to those who wait.

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