Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sick Momma

I got sick. Yes... even moms sometimes get ill. It's not the end of the world, but it can sure seem that way at the time. I don't know how single parents do it. My heart goes out to those that have to do it alone.

It all started with a sinus infection that led me to the doctor's office. He prescribed a "Sulfa" drug and about 6 days later I ended up with a rash that literally started from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet. It was the itchiest and hottest rash and welts I have ever experienced. It felt like my skin was on fire! I was so scared. I called the doctor and he told me that's a possible side-effect and it sounded like I had an allergic reaction to the drug. He told me that it would be a good idea to go to the office and get my blood pressure checked and possibly get my white count checked too since those were other possible side-effects. (not to mention the liver problems, clotting problems, etc...) Now... my question to you all is, why didn't they tell me? The doctor did not seemed surprised or even concerned about it all. He told me that now I knew not to take it in the future and kind of laughed about the whole thing.

So... the reason I am posting this is to let you all know that if you haven't taken Sulfa drugs.. ever... then be on the look-out for possible side-effects. They won't kill you, but it sure will feel that way. It took me about two days to recuperate from the reaction. If I were a single parent and had to miss work I would have been very upset! Of course, the drug DID work. I got better after two days of being on the drug. Some might argue that perhaps I might have gotten better on my own? I will never know. However, I don't mess with sinus infections.

Case and point: Let me tell you about the time I got sick when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was about six months along and my husband and I were celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. We planned a trip to Hawaii and had everything set... our tickets, accommodations, and babysitter. Well...I got sick about a week before we had to go. I was so mad!! I went to the doctor and he said I had a sinus infection. He put me on antibiotics and warned me that if I wasn't better by the time we had to leave I probably should not go. He said that the worst thing you can do is go on a plane with a sinus infection. Well.... I was stubborn and didn't listen to him. I felt "okay" and so we continued with our plans. To make a loooong story short it took longer for me to get better and the infection ended up damaging my olfactory nerves (the sense of smell nerves) and so I was unable to smell or taste for about a year! To this day, I haven't recovered 100% and there are some smells that I can't smell. Learn from me... don't mess with sinus infections. They CAN be very serious!!

The kids were so worried about me these past couple days. I have to admit that it felt good to know they cared about me so much. Of course, on Friday my #2 came up to me and said, "Mom...are you going to feed us?" I looked at the clock and it was about 10:30am and had not fed my kids. I just assumed they had fixed their own food. I reassured him that I would. I got out of bed long enough to fix a couple meals (hoping that would get them through the day until dad got home) and then told my oldest that I was sick and he was in charge. I appreciate him so much. I know that I can count on him. He seldom lets me down. He looked at my face and said, "what's wrong with you, mom?" I told him, "I am sick and need to rest. Can you handle things?" He looked worried and then his worried look turned into excitement as he said, "Of course, mom... you go rest." That was all it took. I went back to bed until Dad got home. He knew how sick I was so it was a short day at work, and he was home early. Thank heavens!!

I am sure many of you have experienced being a sick mom. It's a totally different thing when you have little ones to tend to. Somehow you find the strength you need to do it. I am just thankful that it doesn't happen often and that when it does, I have my sweet husband to support me. I think it's a good thing for families. It helps them to realize how much you do for them. They have a greater appreciation for you. Also, it gives them the opportunity to serve YOU for a change. Believe it or not, they need that and enjoy it.
Take the time today to kneel down in
prayer and thank your Heavenly Father
for your health.


Sheryl said...

Sorry to hear that you were so sick. I hate that for you. Glad to hear you're better. I heard that you and Rissa had a good chat the other day. Miss you tons!!

Kimi said...

Yahnira, thanks for sharing your blog with us. It was fun to get your letter and find out all about your family. We miss you!