Friday, March 12, 2010

Complicated Taste Buds

Many of you are probably wondering the same thing I am wondering right now. Why do my children all have such different tastes? My oldest is the pickiest of them all right now. My #2 is probably my most exotic one. My daughter is a GREAT eater. My baby is VERY picky! However, the things they like don't make sense. For example, my child who doesn't like ANYTHING (let's call him "Mikey") will eat pistachios, pumpkin seeds, spinach or artichoke dips, yogurt, peanut butter (even crunchy), and many other curious things. My #2 (the one in the autism spectrum) will pour Bay Seasoning into a bowl and eat it. I have caught him eating my Bouillon cubes like candy! I don't exactly understand it. However, I did a little research and found some interesting things. I thought I would share them with you.

Found this article:
and found it very interesting. It explains the genetic component that comes into play in determining how children's taste buds might be affected. I already knew the social factors. For example, I grew up eating food from Puerto Rico and therefore I have TOTAL different tastes when it comes to food compared to my friends and husband. The genetic component is fascinating to me!

I was speaking to some parents of children with ASD's and they shared some very interesting stories with me. Many of them had children who were very picky eaters. Most of them ate unusual things and had limited menus. For example, one only eats: chicken nuggets (from McDonald's), cheese pizza, and peanut butter. There was another who only eats: broccoli, cheese pizza with NO sauce, cheese quesadillas, and ramen noodles. I asked them how they did it on a daily basis? How did they go out and eat? All of them said, "We rarely go out to eat" or "We just have to cook different things for him." It made me appreciate MY picky eaters. At least I know that they will eat a little more than that. I introduce new foods and for the most part they will attempt to eat it. The foods I KNOW they don't like, I will fix for myself and husband on days I don't have to cook for them. I rarely fix a different meal for my kids. That would be too much work!

In retrospect I realize that MY own taste buds have changed over time. Perhaps my children's will too. I have to hope that when they grow up and mature perhaps they will feel the curiosity to try new things. I hope that they can appreciate their mom's cooking someday.... Just like I appreciate mine.
Just keep trying. Don't give in.
It might just surprise you the
one day they actually try it and
say, "Mom! This is good!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you remember when your brother was small that everytime we went to a Chinese rest. we had to stop by McD drive tru first because of him, now he loves Chinese will get better.