Monday, March 8, 2010

Tribute to an Angel

I can't mention her by name.... nor can I even say how I know her. However, I wanted to pay tribute to this "angel" of mine who has taught me more about my #2 than anyone else in the world!

The truth is that she doesn't even realize how much of an impact she has on me and my family. When others criticize about something my #2 has done, she explains the context in which it happened. When others see a child who is being unruly or a bit noisy, she sees someone who has a lot of "spirit". When I get frustrated at his impatience, she sees a child with enthusiasm and an eagerness to be involved. When my child has a "spiritual moment" she is the first one to share it with me. I feel truly blessed to know her and to have her in my life.

The best thing is that she is going to be working with children with special needs. She feels it's her calling in life. I think she's right. She's not even done with school, but she has already had a HUGE impact on many children's lives. I am so excited to know that she will be joining the ranks of those wonderful teachers who get to work with some remarkable children. This angel of mine appreciates their sweet spirits and their brilliant minds. She loves them and expects a lot out of them in return. It's amazing what a child can achieve when you expect it. It's truly amazing!!
We make a living by what
we get, but we make a life
by what we give.
--Winston Churchill

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