Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good Neighbors

Today I was just thinking that we are truly blessed to have good neighbors. I know I can depend on them, and they know they can depend on me. Right now my #2 is playing baseball in my neighbor's backyard with a boy his own age and they are having a "ball"...pardon the pun. My daughter has tons of friends in the neighborhood who are in her class! That is really nice.

What makes a good neighbor? That is a good question. I believe a good neighbor is one who knows your name, is friendly, gives you enough space but also feels comfortable enough to approach you, and is not quick to judge. I have met some people who have been very judgemental. I remember one neighbor asking me if I was a member of the Junior League and then avoiding me once she found out I was not. I also recall a neighbor who judged me because of the church I attended. I think those people are missing out on a lot of wonderful experiences because of their narrow-minded thinking.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is to be a good neighbor yourself. I learned a lot after living in our first home about first impressions. There is no way to get that moment back. I also learned that sometimes people seem snobby but they are actually just shy or unsure about the situation. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and reach out to those in my neighborhood. There are many needs in my street alone and I try to do the Christian thing and help when I can. Our church is good about taking care of our members, but other churches are not eager to help out. It is also important to educate others about my children. Having four children is an issue in itself because many don't want four additional children in their home at one time... which is understandable. I would never do that to anyone, but THEY don't know that. Also, I am not quick to let my children enter ANYONE'S home unless I know them. I guess I am just cautious that way.

Summer is around the corner and we need to reach out to our neighbors in friendship. Make it a point to get to know those with children. Don't hesitate to call them and invite the children over to your house. They don't have to come inside. They could just play outside and get some vitamin D. My point is that don't wait for people to come to you... go to them. I just received a call from my neighbor and they are having such a good time that she wants my #2 to stay over for pizza!!! We've lived here for over seven years and that is the first time he has been over there. Life can be so wonderful when you give it a chance.

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